Monday, 27 August 2012

Trends I hate.

As every new season roles around, I'm always eager to see what see what's new in the fashion world. Mostly, I can't complain about what people wear because as a whole, I like clothes too much to the point that I try to find nice things in each outfit. But, there are cases where I genuinely am close to tears when I see what people are wearing. Really, I'm not a perfect dresser with an immaculate dress sense but when you see someone holding bags from the likes of Supre and ICE I feel it's my duty to judge them.

Firstly, the mullet skirt. I've let my feelings toward mullet skirts known in the past, I let the grudge go when I thought that their reign of terror was over but then, while shopping with my mum on the weekend I saw a mannequin wearing a mullet skirt and all of my worst fears came back to haunt me. Mullets were dead and buried at the end of the 90s, the business in the front and party in the back slogan is gone. Please stop trying to relive the past by designing a skirt that is remnant of a shocking hairstyle that really only lads sport these days. Then don't make it 'classy' by changing the fabric to chiffon, it's still a mullet skirt whether you like it or not. There comes a time where people need to make decisions and I honestly believe that the time has well and truly come to decide between wearing a maxi-skirt or a short skirt. Not two in one.

My next point is one relatable to many Australians, Jeggings. The awkward mix of jeans and leggings so lovingly supported by Supre. No, No No, Jeggings are seriously the satan of my fashion style. If you want to wear jeans, wear jeans and if you want to wear leggings, wear leggings. The person who thought it was clever to combine the two must have been in close association with the designer of the mullet skirt. Seriously, I'm really not enjoying how far the jegging craze has come. If you walk into many shops now you'll find not only the standard jegging, but jeggings of all shapes, colours and sizes. I was even misfortunate enough to find a jegging skirt. The jegging is made just that much worse when paired with ugg boots and a tight singlet top. Why is my life so hard?

Now, this next trend doesn't evoke the same powerful emotions as the previous two but I think it's more of a crime against humanity if not anything else. The Pemplum top, now in theory this is a lovely and simple top that adds sophistication to an outfit but not too much to the point where you look like you're trying to hard. In all design aspects, I don't even really hate it. The problem is, just how unflattering the shape is. No matter how thin you are, this top makes your hips look about the size of a bus. And, you know, some people might like this if they naturally are very thin and want an hourglass figure but when people wear it and it just makes them look not as nice as they should it just makes me sad. The dilemma is, that because most Australian chain stores stock the style now people are buying the shirt despite how it looks simply because it's 'in'. Really, I cannot stress this enough - do not buy clothes that look dreadful on you because it's in. Honestly, take me as an example, even though light pastels are in I won't be rocking this trend because the combination of my naturally pale skin and pale colour scheme makes me blend into a wall. And let's face it...who wants that?

Liv xo

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

four eyes

When I got glasses in year 8 I felt like the gawkiest loser and decided then and there that I'd never wear them. Until the lady working in SpecSavers told me to enter this 'SpecWearer' competition thing that would make me the face of SpecSavers or something, I still felt like a gawky loser so declined the offer which I regret because I could be brushing shoulders with famous people all from a glasses advert. 

But I digress, the point of this post isn't to brag about my almost-if-only glasses wearing career but to discuss the new trends of both sunglasses and your standard glasses. Both of these items I have strong views on as people are wearing clear lenses to rock the glasses look and others (like me) are unfortunate enough to have eyesight that needs work. I've been in denial about needing to wear glasses since I got them, my first pair were these lame rectangular tortoiseshell ones that my mum talked me into getting. But glasses are becoming more and more un-lame and trendy so I've decided to buy a new pair of glasses which not only will help me see but will also help me rock the new trends.

The Rayban-esque style is still here and everyone seems to love it, some faces just don't suit it though in glasses or sun glasses form. I'm more captivated by Marc Jacobs' range of eyewear which has me seeing stars. 

It's oh so fierce and oh so powerful that I'd feel oh so trendy in them. I love the cat eye sort of look that's appearing in both sunglasses and glasses alike but I feel like I don't have the face to pull it off. 
Which brings me to my next point, people really need to wear glasses that suit their faces! Just because a certain style is in fashion does not mean it will suit your face. If you have a roundish head, don't wear round glasses as you will just heighten the roundness of your head and it just would look silly. 

Note how her angular features are just pronounced and she looks phenomenal! But also, sunglasses. Sunglasses are my love, I love how they can hide dodgy makeup, protect your eyes from the sun, add depth to an outfit and make you look mysterious and all the more glamourous. Seriously, I'm such a huge advocate of sunglasses and should get more pairs but I have neither the time or money. 
Until I go to Phuket and stock up.

Liv xo 


My photo
Nineteen year old student from Sydney, working a lot and spending all funds on clothes.

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