Saturday, 6 April 2013


As I'm writing this, the distant sound of 12 year olds getting drunk for the first time and the more comforting sound of rain on my tin roof fills my ears. This past week has been filled with some beautiful chilly, sunny days and the wet wintery mornings that Sydney's grown accustomed to from the past couple of years. This can only mean one thing, Winter is looming and I cannot tell you how thrilled I am for it.

Thus far the wintery trends I'm seeing are the punk-rocker seemingly androgynous staples coupled with chic black dresses and lush capes and coats. (On the topic of lush capes I bought this beautiful black cape the other week, I'll post a photo when I wear it out. Its $200 of bliss.) But regardless, so far the wintery trends have failed to disappoint. There's studs, gothic romance, bright colours, florals and luxe prints. There's something (in Australia at least) for everyone. But I'm not into the 'Westfield style shopper' pamphlet on how to look trendy this season because I found this quote by Edna Woolman Chase - "Fashion can be bought. Style one must process." I love this quote, because while I'm not necessarily the most fashionable or even stylish person I know, but the people who are most admired in the fashion field are the ones who aren't afraid to wear their own personal style. If you look at Sydney, Copenhagen, Melbourne, Paris, London or wherever's street style websites you'll see a collaboration of quirky people wearing quirky clothes that look beautiful because you know, it's their style. The fashions in shopping centre's are just fashions and at the end of the day people who just wear what's in season will end up wasting looooads of money because fashions go in and out but style is eternal.

That's not to say wear like jeggings if that's your style because that's not stylish, I'm talking grab a whole mix of items and see what you can come up with. Draw inspiration from people, places, photos, songs, movies...whatever floats your boat. I'm slightly in the process of figuring out my style now, at the moment it's darkish lipstick and boots but that's mainly because I just got my braces off so am revelling in the freedom of lipstick. But I have this friend, who as well as being a superstar fashionista has such a unique style, that while I wouldn't necessarily wear everything that she wears (and I'm sure that the same can be said from her to me), but I can still appreciate that that's her and that she looks a lot better than me when I'm wearing some weird dress my nanna bought me with some heaps buckled boots because I'm trying to be a grunge queen. She's got her style and she's not changing it for anyone, and there's a certain admiration that goes along with that because while I can rant on on a blog about the importance of having a unique style I myself don't put these words into practice, which is my mission for winter.

I can do 90's because that's an era that appeals to me, but at the same time I can do 2013 fashions too because that's also kind of a year that is somewhat appealing, I don't know I feel like this is a lot wankier than I intended it to be. But I'm talking, don't not wear heels because you're already tall, seriously only in the past like month I've discovered this...people would love to be 5'10" just embrace it.
You never know, some of your best outfits can come out of you being creative.

Liv xo

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Nineteen year old student from Sydney, working a lot and spending all funds on clothes.

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