Sunday, 24 June 2012


It took my mum twelve years to allow me to get my ears pierced, it seemed like an eternity when all my friends had their ears pierced but I didn't. In retrospect, I can understand where she was coming from but since getting my ears pierced she has been adamant in her decision to stop me from getting more piercings. Which you know, usually for most people - wouldn't stop them from getting whatever piercings they want. But I always feel so bad when discussing it that I've forced myself to forget about the idea, but it doesn't work because everyone keeps getting really cool piercings and I'm just here trying to convince myself that it wouldn't make me the worst person in the world if I got an auricle piercing.

I've wanted an auricle piercing since about year nine, and unlike my want for a nose piercing then later a belly button piercing I've actually remained keen to the idea two years on. I also really like piercings that go right up the ear with the same sort of earrings in each piercing, but I think that might be pushing my mum's limit. Okay well this is a completely irrelevant post that I'll finish off with some pictures of people's ears that I like.

Abbey-Lee Kershaw, she's generally an all round gorgeous person but her ear arrangement is just fab. 

Auricle Piercing

I found this on tumblr, it looks so cool.

Also side note, I really like tragus piercings. 

Liv xo 

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Nineteen year old student from Sydney, working a lot and spending all funds on clothes.

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