Friday, 8 June 2012


Hair is something that can make or break a persons image, the cut, style, colour, length - it goes on and on and on. We all go through phases of hair styles, the amount of times I've been bored of my hair and taken the initiative to cut inches off it myself, with the end result being somewhat questionable. In the past 4 years of my life I've done dip dye, had a bob, grown it long, semi bleached it for a while and never been completely content with the end result. One of my friends came to school today with her hair that has been long the whole time I've known her cut short into this semi-bob that seriously looks amazing. The dilemma of my life (first world problems) is that now I want to cut my hair shorter. A couple of years ago this happened and I cut my hair into a bob and cried the whole way home from the hairdresser. It was too short to be in a pony tail, had this super awkward side fringe and I seriously think my hairdresser might have been high while cutting it.
I've also been looking up so many youtube channels about styling hair and now really want to rock a sock bun or a bow bun but I also want an Emma Watson-esque pixie cut and to bleach it like white blonde. 
I do not understand why something that is basically a dead particle causes such grief. 

Even guys seem to have hair issues, the Beiber hairstyle is over. Please do not re-live it. Also shaving your head looks stupid unless you have the natural face for it, or are doing it for charity. 

So here's a list of hair styles that I'd really like to try at some point in my life

1. Pixie cut
2. Shave it all off (for the worlds greatest shave and apparently it's really good for your hair)
3. Reeeally long hair
4. Dye it brown
5. Shave half of it off
6. Go Abbey-Lee Kershaw's colour
7. Get some cornrow things happening. 
8. Front fringe.

Okay here are some pretty pictures of hair

this is basically what my hair looks like now

Sock bun

I also really like Emma Watsons hair now that it's in the awkward growing out phase.

Okay Bye, Liv xo

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Nineteen year old student from Sydney, working a lot and spending all funds on clothes.

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