Wednesday, 16 October 2013

the best thing ever: childhood nostalgia

So lately lots of things have been changing around me; I've graduated school and have just turned eighteen, amongst the most stand out of events. But I hate this idea that once you turn eighteen you have to make adult choices and whatever because really I don't want to be an adult, or make adult choices and the only reason I was even looking forward to turning eighteen was at how easy it'd be for me to buy alcohol.

So while in the eyes in the law I'm an adult, in my eyes I'm still quite firmly a child. And, the other day whilst cleaning my room I found a selection of some fantastic accessories from when I was about 7 and it brought back so many childhood memories that I'd forgotten entirely about. Now, my childhood wasn't really stand out in the sense that I never really went overseas or did really cool camps and whatever, but I did have two older brothers. So even though I was born halfway through the 90s I still had very much a 90s childhood, and as a result of that had some very 90s/early 00s outfits and accessories...some of these accessories I found the other day. But also, since the 90s are 'back', I've been able to buy so many things that just take me back to my prime; 1999.

This is what I love about fashion, you can try on a skirt that you wore on your first date and all of the butterflies and awkwardness come flooding back. You can buy a pair of sparkly socks and you're taken back to the school disco in 2001. This has been happening to me more and more recently and I was taken back to my Avril Lavigne punk stage of 2002, my Baby Spice phase of the late 90s and even my Lizzie McGuire phrase of 2004. That's also what I love about the recycling of fashion, at the moment we're in a mix of pretty much every decade before ours and I absolutely love it, I love how I can wear my mum's jeans that she fondly bought in the 70s and she can recount the last time she wore them and what was going on in her life at that time.

There is a problem with this though, I've turned into the worlds biggest clothes hoarder because I keep seeing my mum wearing things in the 70s and getting angry at her because she didn't keep them. Or even seeing photos of me from like 2005 and doing the same??? But even so, just looking back at photos of old outfits are one of my newly found favourite past times, how nice is it looking back at a dress you wore and being flooded with memories? I think it's probably just my way of coping with the impending 'adult choices' that have to be made.

(the fake hair was part of my punk stage)

and here's me in 1999 wearing a cool jumper that is actually radiating!?
5 stars for mum

Liv xo

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Nineteen year old student from Sydney, working a lot and spending all funds on clothes.

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