Monday, 16 June 2014

broke with expensive taste

Never in my life have I found comfort in an album title like I have with Azealia Banks' 2014 album name and coincidental title of this post. But recently, if someone were to ask me to describe myself in a sentence "Broke with expensive taste" would be the only appropriate answer. This never used to be who I was, in fact I was a self proclaimed 'bargain hunter.' But then something switched inside me and here we are - I'm soon to be $200 in debt to my brother and I'm the only one to blame.

The problem began when my feet stopped growing. It was a really really good discovery initially, as was Jeffrey Campbell. My $12 an hour only extended so far, so instead of doing the wise thing and saving I just started buying shoes. With shoes it's not so much an issue, because they're more of an investment. People don't gossip about someone wearing a nice pair of shoes too many times because nobody really notices your feet unless you point them out, also your feet are going to be this size for the rest of your life, that's probably going to be one of the only stagnate things in your life.

I study this subject at university called Analytical Thinking, basically it identifies different kind of arguments and fallacies and other pretty dull things but there's a certain argument that applies to this situation and it's called the 'Slippery Slope Argument.' Basically, it implies that once an individual takes a step in one direction, they ultimately will go to the extreme of that direction. Now, normally us 'analytical thinkers' think this argument is a fallacy. In the case of my life as of late, that couldn't be further from true. I've literally gone from buying a few pairs of shoes to justifying spending $200 on a t-shirt. (It was Emma Mulholland and a total bargain but even so, I definitely am meant to be saving for a trip to Japan.)

It doesn't stop there though, recently I've acquired a Josh Goot dress, am in the process of buying a vintage nike jacket (for probably more than its worth) and other amazing beautiful things and I'm so excited. It's exciting because now I've figured out my style I can buy these things, and now I have a relatively well-paid job can afford them without too much sacrifice.

Now, obviously I should cut back spending and I should save up. I shouldn't spend heaps of money on things that are so disposable, but they make me happy so whatever. As my mum always says "you're a long time dead"

So while I'm not ballin' in cash I am ballin' in expensive clothes, and they're kind of the same thing but hold more sentimental value. So at least I look expensive when buying lunch from the loose change menu of McDonalds in a desperate attempt to save.

Liv xo

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Nineteen year old student from Sydney, working a lot and spending all funds on clothes.

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