Monday, 9 June 2014

'out there'

When someone says something or someone is a 'little bit out there' it's implied that the subject in question is a little bit kooky or odd, not necessarily in a good way. When we worry about the future, what's around the corner or what's behind the endless streets and houses out of sight; we worry about what's 'out there.' Or, when we put ourselves 'out there' it's supposedly a big courageous act, yet something we shy away from.

The term 'out there' is so ambiguous, and in such, has been taking over my thoughts for a considerable amount of time. More specifically, the repercussions of putting myself out there and how those on the receiving end of me putting my cards on the table will view me. I mean this in terms of actually telling people how I feel, dressing how I genuinely want and investing a lot into relationships with people, both romantic and otherwise. You see, the thing is, being 'out there' isn't and shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. Being mysterious and keeping the actualities of your emotions in can be extremely important at times but when these emotions relate to another person, I think it's invaluable to just be honest.

The only thing really preventing us from nurturing our upmost desires is fear. From within, from what other people will say and as an extension, how it will tarnish our reputation. However, those who put themselves out there and are 'out there' are the ones who are iconic. Look at Anna Plunkett and Luke Sales for Romance was Born, they're Australian fashion icons purely for pushing the boundaries. The same can be said for Emma Mulholland, or even Alexander McQueen before his untimely death. Those who put themselves out there are the ones who are often the happiest, as even if things don't work out, they do all they can and so there's no situations of 'what could've been.'

This newfound realisation has altered my life quite drastically. After a relationship ended my friend gave me the advice to "do what you actually want, text him if you want, do what feels right." At the time it was the most absurd thing I'd ever heard, why would I text him can you imagine how clingy I would look?!!??!? But then I did what felt right, in every other aspect of my life and even in the aftermath of this relationship. In texting an old flame, I rekindled a lost friendship. In asking a guy if he wanted to grab a coffee I've kinda sorta started something. And in doing what I wanted in terms of contact with an ex, I've realised everything that was wrong with 'us' and realised that I don't actually have any interest regarding their life whatsoever.

I think one of the most important parts of life is staying true to yourself and dressing and behaving in a way that is what you ultimately want. I don't mean this in the sense of being awful to people because you're in a bad mood, because while what we want is the most important thing to us, we are still only a small part of the big world and we need to coexist with one another to ensure that everyone has a good time.

Anna and Luke 

Emma Mulholland (my love)

Liv xo

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Nineteen year old student from Sydney, working a lot and spending all funds on clothes.

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